Hi Nate,

On 02/09/2023 23:36, Nathaniel Bezanson wrote:
Hi all,

I'm putting together a presentation to welcome

would you please share back your presentation?

> a move by then-East-Germany to allocate a fraction of state-owned buildings to culture, before turning > everything loose in a marketeconomy, as the reason C-base exists how and where it does. Where can I > learn more about this legislation/allocation?

In Dutch history, there is a connection between squatters movement/legislation & early hackerspaces (before they were called that way) , and also a connection between other counter-cultures movements & hackers (hippies, anarchists...)

Dorien Zadbergen wrote about the digital activism of the two hackergroups ASCII and the Genderchangers in Amsterdam squats.

In Dutch: https://dorienzandbergen.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/scriptie1.pdf

Dorien Zadbergen also wrote about hackers & Silicon Valley: https://dorienzandbergen.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/dissertation_zandbergen_updated1.pdf

Plus, there is a movie about Hippies From Hell:



I have collected many links about hackerspaces here:


If there are other good overview resources that go over the pre-2009 (I think the Wired article marks an epoch) history, I'm all ears for those as well. I ran across Monochrom's "hacking the spaces" but it's a little light on details.

I wrote  about European hackerspaces I was visiting while organising "hackerspace tours"



And about differences between East-Europe & West-Europe hackerspaces...

And then there are more  articles about Detroit & hackers ;-)


And I am copying Patrice, who is a living legend & an unofficial historian of hackers movement... who might be able to add some more wisdom about the early days.


